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ArtDreamers is a platform that promotes Hong Kong art talents and creativities to the world. It aims to connect designers, artists and art talents with the world and bring values through different art forms in order to achieve the SDG goal 4, “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”.

Corporate Training Programs


ArtDreamers provides different tailor-made art workshops for corporates, especially for team building, staff development/retreat, art therapy, marketing events as well as customer relationship programs.


Different forms of corporate training programs (Arts):

  • Mural Workshops

  • Fluid painting workshop

  • Leaf painting workshop

  • Customized art programs

Mural Workshop


  • Experience the making of mural painting and learn the corresponding skills


  • Promote team-building and enhance leadership skills through team work


  • Encourage the sense of accomplishment and belonging through collaborative mural painting


  • Boost the confidence level and inspire creativity

Fluid painting workshop

  • Involve the elements of Art Therapy, help to relax and relieve stress, improve mental health and psychosocial wellbeing


  • Develop creativity through fluid painting and encourage to “think outside the box”


Leaf painting workshop


  • Learn about local leaf varieties and relevant knowledge


  • Create sustainable art pieces from the nature


  • Inspire creativity through art making


  • Can be held indoor or outdoor

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