Sustainability Edutainment Workshop
Enable corporations to engage employees in their sustainability initiatives. The workshop will:
Enhance participants’ knowledge, awareness and behavior in sustainability
Reinforce organizations’ sustainability goals, e.g. energy saving, waste management, CSR, ESG reporting, etc.
Help community achieve sustainability mission through individuals’ efforts extended to the universe:

Workshop Objectives
For companies to extend their drive on sustainability to all employees
Share sustainability basic knowledge and best practices
Encourage initiatives to conserve energy and reduce waste
Empower skills to compete and succeed through edutainment activities

Learning outcomes
Learn what sustainability is, e.g. 17 SDGs, and its benefits to self, workplace and the universe
Apply best practices to workplace and save costs for employers
Develop an action plan to seize sustainability opportunities

Benefits to Clients
Increase competitive advantages:
Cost savings
Brand image
Preferred employer/supplier/partner
Employer/supplier/partner compliance (e.g. ESG reporting, ISO 14000)
Acquire practical skills to implement sustainable business practices
Maximize business opportunities thru sustainability action planning