United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Hong Kong Association (UNESCO HKA)
Aims to:
Uphold the mission and objectives of UNESCO
Launching programs and activities in accordance with UNESCO objectives
Leveraging Hong Kong's technology and talents to best support its long-term development as well as that in Mainland China
Strengthening Hong Kong's roles in international affairs and activities
The Certified Sustainable Development Planner (CSDP) certification is awarded by the World Institute of Sustainable Development Planners (WISDP) to professionals meeting the standards in training and accumulated work experiences in Sustainable Development Planning.
CSDP is a professional qualification in the field of environmental, similar to CPA and CFA in finance.
The Certified Sustainable Development Corporation (CSDC) certification is awarded by the WISDP to corporations who have met the requirements in support of the United Nations' Sustainable Development goals which include professional standards in business operation, strategies, culture and achievement.